
Internationella Engelska Skolan Liljeholmen is a F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 20 March 2023

Queue to Grades K-3 Now Open

Dear Parents/Guardians,


As has been speculated for quite some time, we can now confirm that the location of IES Liljeholmen will move to Midsommarkransen in either 2024 or 2025, and the move will allow us to open grades K-3 in addition to grades 4-9.


More information about the new school can be found here: IES Liljeholmen New Premises.


As such, our queue is now open for applications to grades K-3 from 2024.


How does this affect your child’s current application?

Applications made for children born in 2015 or later have been automatically adjusted, keeping their original date of application, so the start date year/date is now the earliest at which your child could join our school. Applications now stand as follows:


Year of birth – Application for grade/year


2018 – Kindergarten (grade 0)/2024

2017 – Grade 1/2024

2016 – Grade 2/2024

2015 – Grade 3/2024


There is nothing you as a parent needs to do unless:


- You should prefer that your child is placed in a queue to a different grade/year


- Or, you are no longer interested in keeping your child registered in the queue to IES Liljeholmen


In either case, please let us know by emailing us at stating your child’s full name, Swedish personal number, and how you would like us to further change their application.


Sibling Priority

If you already have a child who attends IES Liljeholmen, any siblings who are registered in the queue are given priority admission status.

If you haven’t already made applications on behalf of all of your children, you can do so via our digital application form found here:  IES Liljeholmen Application


When will I find out if my child will be offered a place at IES Liljeholmen to begin in 2024?

The admission process for 2024 is expected to begin in November 2023.  


Keep Application Contact Details Up-To-Date

If your address or other contact details have changed since you initially made an application to our school, please ensure that they are updated by logging in and making any necessary changes here: Application Login

(click “Need help logging in?” if you need a new password).


If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us via email: