
Internationella Engelska Skolan Liljeholmen is a F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 18 January 2022

Why we have a dress code - as reported in Aftonbladet

All schools must have rules, agreed in cooperation with students, as set out in Sweden’s Education Act (Skollagen). At Internationella Engelska Skolan, we have chosen to include the dress code as one section of our rules.


Our rules state that we dress in a way that is suitable for a workplace. We do this as part of our effort to create a safe school which focuses on learning. Consistency in which rules apply, as well as safety and order, are all central to creating an environment which we know is appreciated greatly by the vast majority of people within IES.

The dress code, which applies to both students and staff, is something that everyone in our schools is aware of and which we all understand the purpose of. In addition, we have a dialogue with our students and their parents about the rules before the start of school every autumn. If someone at a school does not feel safe in the dress code we have, then this is unfortunate and in that case we would welcome dialogue around this with guardians, students and staff.