
Internationella Engelska Skolan Liljeholmen is a F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 17 June 2024

Graduation at IES Liljeholmen

Now it's time for summer vacation. The students at IES Liljeholmen and other IES schools have now had their school graduation.


At the theatre Rival in Stockholm, some hundred students graduating the 9th grade and their parents and relatives were gathered in a beautiful ceremony with diplomas, awards, and speeches.

Principal James Northcott at IES Liljeholmen said:

“I am very proud of the students and their achievements this last year. We had a very strong year 9 group this year with 55 students achieving 300 or higher in meritvärde and five students achieving a perfect score of 340. This is thanks to the dedication and commitment of our teachers, the parents and of course the students themselves. I’m very proud to be a principal of the fantastic school that is IES Liljeholmen.”

IES Liljeholmen wishes all students a great summer and welcomes back new and old students to a brand-new school building this coming August.