
Internationella Engelska Skolan Landskrona is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn.

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News | 10 March 2023

Year 8 PRAO

We might have a future journalist


-Screenshot image from Landskrona BoIS website

It is Friday and the eight graders' PRAO-week has come to an end. Every student gets a visit/or call from school to make sure that everything goes as expected. The teachers and SYV are very impressed both by the students and their PRAO places who have given them a warm welcome.

Some students have been working on their own projects during the week, and one student had the opportunity to be at the office for Landskrona BoIS, and also got to do interviews which led to two published articles. Here we might have a future journalist!
You find the articles here: