
Internationella Engelska Skolan Landskrona is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn.

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News | 12 December 2024

Technology talents from IES will represent Sweden at global robotics competition in Shanghai

Three IES students aged 8–13 from Skåne, joined two other students from Skåne, when they qualified to represent Sweden in the global robot competition Enjoy AI Global Final. The Final will be held on December 14–15 in Shanghai, China. The competition brings together participants from 31 countries and aims to foster children's interest in technology, programming and problem-solving. The Swedish squad consists of three teams that have trained together during the autumn.


Hedda Nilsson and Elsa Zirgulis Andersson, IES Landskrona. Photo:

The five participants come from Glumslöv, Helsingborg and Landskrona, and the students from Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) are: Lucaz Andersson, year 6, IES Helsingborg, Elsa Zirgulis Andersson, year 3, IES Landskrona and Hedda Nilsson, year 3, IES Landskrona.

During the preparations, they have developed robots to carry-out missions with the theme of the closing ceremony of the Olympics. On the day of the competition, they must quickly adapt their solutions to new conditions, which trains them to rethink and solve problems – just like in working life. The competition emphasizes cooperation, creativity and problem-solving.

Neil Duncan, principal of IES Landskrona said: "We hope and believe that this is proof of our high academic ambitions. Above all, we are happy for the students who have come so far in their work that they get to represent Sweden in this competition.

Rachel Kjellman, principal of IES Helsingborg said: “From all over Internationella Engelska Skolan, we say good luck”.

This year's national competition was held at Media Evolution City in Malmö in October, with support from technology companies and technology educators. The participants have been training since then for the final.

Ellie Malalla, year 3 and Elsa Westerlund, both from year 3 at IES Landskrona, also took part in the national final.

Leila Khammari, who initiated STREAM Scandinavia, said: "During the autumn, the children have met engineers and engineering students, which creates lifelong bonds with technology and inspires them to make future career choices." The association, which was founded in 2019, works to promote interest in Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STREAM) among children and young people.


Enjoy AI is an international robot competition that aims to inspire children and young people to become active creators of technology. This year, the participants are designing robots to perform tasks such as simulating the medal ceremony or extinguishing the Olympic flame.


Lucaz Andersson, IES Helsingborg. Photo: