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News | 09 February 2023

Students dedicating poems to victims of earthquake in Turkey and Syria

We as a class and school have heard about and acknowledged the tragedies that have heavily impacted both Syria and Turkey. Our poems are dedicated to the victims, the people suffering and those offering help.


Shaken (by Fatmeh Ali)
Shaken homes, schools, and playgrounds.
Shaken people making sounds.
Shaken bones blood running down. 
Shaken faces white as a ghost, they are now beside the mighty's throne. 
Shaken, a little child waiting patiently, who to tell him his mother passed recently.
Shaken, people furious, where is the help? Is that stupid border now a shell?
Shaken but holding their ground.
Shaken but never giving up on their land.
Shaken but not neglected by Allah.
And I will never forget you, always
remembered in my Salah. 


Eternity (by Maja Arandjenlovic)
Normal day, everything as usual
Beauty sleep suddenly turns into eternity
Shaken homes, shaken schools and shaken people

People come and people go
Outside we wait in the cold, what feels like snow.
Many loved ones lost, breaking hearts
Prepared for the horrible incoming news
followed by the disappointment of no help

Might have been forgotten but never neglected by god
Because you are mighty people
True fighters
Because that's what Turkey is
true fighters!


by Astrid Fransson
Thunder strikes, not from clouds and sky
but earth and soil,
those outside come in to give,
to care and to share with those who have lost.
The earth can be kind
it thrives to nourish,
but don't forget that it can be cruel
and steal without thought,
homes taken, roads cracked,
hearts break with the earth.


by Viggo Nordeklint
Please raise up, just fight for your life.
I'll help looking for your wife.
I'm digging, just hold on.
I'm gonna help you survive and try to revive.
Much love to you all.