
Internationella Engelska Skolan Landskrona is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn.

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News | 19 September 2022

Artists Learning About Artists

The art classroom has been a buzz the last few weeks while students worked on their "Artist Like Me" Projects.


Students from sixth to ninth grade have been busy researching, planning, painting and typing away on computers while working on their first school project. The "Artist Like Me" project was a fun experience for the students as they were tasked to research an artist that had something in common with themselves. This could have been as simple as sharing their surname, having lived in Sweden, or even being from the same place a student's grandparents came from. Students then had a choice of how to show this information in a poster, digital presentation, timeline, newspaper, or even their own miniature art lesson with a worksheet!

This has been a fun experience for students and teachers alike. Some students were very amused to find out they chose the same artist as a sibling in the school (6th and 9th grade) and, of course, teased each other as to who had the "idea" first. Two students discovered that their artists disagreed with each other in real life. One student even found an artist she was distantly related to!

Excitement is high as many students are putting their final touches on this project next week. Soon after, they will present their work to the class in a Gallery Walk. Students will present their work and their artist to each other one or two students at a time before moving on to the next station and the next artist. I am excited to see where all their hard work has gotten them and to share their work with the rest of the school!