Student Health
The student health team works to promote students' learning, development and health as well as to prevent illness
Opening times: Drop in
School Nurses: 11:00-12:00
School Counsellors: 10:30-11:30
Other times we have pre-booked receptions and meetings. If you want to book an appointment, you can contact us. Remember to write your name and class
and we will get in touch with you within a couple of days and book a time together.
School Nurses:
Ms Magnusson All A-classes and 6C and 7C
Phone: 072-156 63 44
Ms Murdvee All B-classes and 9C
Phone: 072-381 82 05
Ms Stenlåås C-classes F-5 and 8C
Phone: 070-543 34 71
School Counsellors:
Ms.Grube Year F-3 & 4-5
Ms.Jeffrey Year 6-9 & 4-5 (On maternity leave)
The team has both a preventative and a responsive role which includes elements of medicine, psychology, psychosocial and special education.
Staff involved attend the school's student health team meetings and collaborate with other school staff as well as with external actors including the “landsting” and social services.
Confidentiality -”tystnadsplikt”
Student health staff work with each other and with other school staff if necessary, and patient confidentiality is observed. Patient confidentiality is regulated by school law (Skollagen) and the Patient Safety Act (Patientsäkerhetslagen).