
Internationella Engelska Skolan Karlstad is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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School results

Here you can see some of our academic results

Year             Grade average

                    (Out of 340)

17/18                   266

18/19                   267

19/20                   267

20/21                   264

21/22                   269

22/23                   256

In spring 2023 there were 144 graduates of which 28 students acquired a 320 points or higher and 6 of these students acquired the full 340 points. 

93% of all of our students qualified for respective high school programs. (Compared with 88.1% for Karlstad municipality)

Here you can compare with all schools 

Cambridge IGCSE program

Our school is actively involved in Cambridge IGCSE programs in both English as a second language and mathematics. These are examinations held through Cambridge University and allow students opportunities to study after compulsory school and to apply to international schools worldwide.

Here are our results for the 2022-2023 school year:

32 of 36 students received C or higher for English as a second language.

4 our of 5 students received C or higher for mathematics

Other Academic Results

Wonderful news for IES Karlstad!!! We want to congratulate our year 9 students for their incredible results in the regional final of the International Language Competition! Mira and Paula placed top in French and Lucy and Dovydas in Spanish. We are proud to say that our students are the best out of 7 schools in Sweden in the language they represent.
We are also proud of our 2023 alumni, Maria and Sophia, who are also heading to the final, representing Spanish in the gymnasium level competition. Well done!!
The final is in Malmö on April 10th. We wish our students and alumni the best of luck!
We are thrilled to announce that IES Karlstad won first place in our IES bookmark competition for the school year 2023-2024!
Fatima from 6D came first among the 20 schools that participated in the competition this year for years 4-6 and with her amazing bookmark, reminding us all that reading is for everyone and it brings people together!

Our Pythagoras quest Maths finalists have done us proud and have taken out first place in the regional finals right here in Karlstad. Congratulations to our team members: Mira Karlström, Maja Ramberg, Yutong Fu and Rasmus Palm. Our team had 24 points and the second placed team had 17. The finals will be in May in Malmö.