
Internationella Engelska Skolan Jönköping is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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Our school library

Our library is a welcoming and quiet space where students can come to read, study, or do their homework


IESJ Library Website:


Our library is located in the basement of the A-building. We are open for the duration of the school day and all students, teachers, and other members of staff are welcome.

The library contains over 8,000 unique titles spanning a variety of genres, languages, and reading levels. Though most of the books in the library are in Swedish or English, we have many books in Arabic, German, Spanish, Somalian, and French. In addition to the wide range of fiction works, the collection contains many reference books and non-fiction resources. The shelves are carefully maintained to contain not only the classics, but also popular and contemporary titles. We also feature several magazines and newspapers in both English and Swedish including National Geographic, GOAL, Illustrerad Vetenskap, KP, and Svenska Dagbladet Junior. There is truly something for everyone!

The library has 14 Chromebox workstations, a printer, and work desks, So it’s not just available for reading or borrowing books but also as a quiet place to study and do schoolwork.

The main goal of the library is to promote lifelong learning by fostering positive attitudes towards libraries, books, and reading. In order to achieve this, it’s important that the library functions properly.
Which means the following rules apply at all times:
Conversation should take place in a subdued tone
Everyone is responsible for maintaining the proper order of books on the shelf
No food, drinks, backpacks, or jackets in library or quiet study room
Computers are only for school work
Books are loaned for a maximum or 4 weeks
Students with late books will not be allowed to borrow new ones