
Internationella Engelska Skolan Hässleholm is an F - 9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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Welcome from the principal

Welcome to Internationella Engelska Skolan in Hässleholm! 

When IES opened in Hässleholm in 2015 I was one of the first parents to enrol my child. The ethos of IES appealed to me and I also wanted her to have the opportunity to spend her school days in an international environment since I firmly believe that gaining an understanding for cultural differences early on in life creates young adults less prejudiced towards others.  

From a parent's perspective I could see how my child thrived. Teachers and other staff gave her the best education possible. They saw her, they believed in her and they set clear expectations and challenged her to be her very best. Both academically and socially.  

Today I am no longer a parent at IES. My child has graduated. But since the middle of May 2022 I am gaining a new perspective;  The Principal´s . 

I am proud to be part of a school where there is a team spirit and everyone is equally important. A school that sets high academic standards for every student,  irrespective of where they come from. A school where clear rules and grit as well as laughter and fellowship is emphasised. 

As the Principal of IES Hässleholm my promise to you is that my focus will be to make sure that each and every one of our students receive the best education possible. 

As the Principal of IES Hässleholm I welcome and invite you to come and visit us.

I would be glad to personally give you a tour of the school.

For those of you who presently are parents to students attending our school: I hope to see you in the morning at “meet and greet”. If you have time - please stay and chat for a minute or two. I look forward to seeing you! 


Ms. Hall