
Internationella Engelska Skolan Hässelby is an 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 03 April 2024

Student Intake Update - April 2024

The enrollment process for the upcoming school year at IES Hässelby is in full swing! We are currently accepting new students until all available spots are filled.


The enrollment process for the upcoming school year at IES Hässelby is in full swing! We are currently accepting new students until all available spots are filled. Currently, our focus is on enrolling students for grade 4, with a total of 96 spots available. Additionally, we have a few openings for grades 5-9. Enrollment for grades 5-9 will occur as spots become available.

Prospective students and their families are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to secure a place for the future. Applying is easy – simply place your child in the queue on our website. Don't miss out on the chance to join our dynamic learning community at IES Hässelby. Apply now and embark on an enriching educational journey!

We also remind guardians of children in the queue to keep their contact information up to date to ensure smooth communication throughout the enrollment process.