Can I get a place without being first in line?

Our queue operates on a first-come, first-served basis to ensure fairness for all applicants. However, if your child has a sibling currently enrolled at the school, and both children will attend simultaneously, they may qualify for priority placement in the queue (syskonförtur). In such instances, please include the sibling’s Swedish ID number in the designated box when applying for any additional children.

A number of IES schools, not IES Hässelby, are registered at Skolinspektionen for a possibility to dedicate a limited number of places in the queue for students who have been resident in the country for less than two years, in Swedish called "särskild kvot" which is regulated in förordning (2022:222) om särskild kvot i fristående skolor.

These schools have the possibility to prioritize newly arrived students in the queue. Enrolling in the school depends on the available free spots in each year group. Please contact the school you are applying to for more information and to ask if they are registered for this possibility.