Internationella Engelska Skolan Falun is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.
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Here at IES Falun, we believe that lunch isn’t just about eating. It’s an opportunity for both students and staff to have a relaxing meal together, where they can build a better understanding and respect for each other. We think that a staff member’s presence and involvement is important, so that the students have a safe and calm environment. Therefore, our staff always eat a pedagogical lunch with our students.
A happy and productive day at school should include a nutritious lunch. Each day, we have two main dishes: a meat dish and a vegetarian dish. We also have a full salad bar, hard bread with butter and/or hummus, and water.
We can happily cater for allergies and special diets. If a special diet is required for medical reasons, then a special diet form should be filled out and a certificate from the doctor or dietitian should be submitted to the school nurse. Guardians are responsible for ensuring that we always have the most up-to-date information about allergies and special diets.
School lunch is, of course, free of charge.