Ethical Guidelines For Internationella Engelska Skolan

Ever since its inception in 1993, Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) has been driven by strong values.


Basic among those is the conviction that education and enlightenment are the keys to success for young people and to progress for society. In order to provide schools of high quality, IES as an organization carries three core beliefs:

  1. The need for a calm and orderly learning environment, in which teachers can teach and students learn.
  2. The importance of learning to command the English language, as the key to the world.
  3. The value of showing high expectations for every student, irrespective of background, and preach the norm of working hard, through thick and thin, to reach your full potential.

The promise from Internationella Engelska Skolan as an organization is to always place these fundamental convictions at the center of everything it does. Leaders at all levels must strive to work towards them, as their foremost task, by recruiting competent people who share these beliefs, by assembling and motivating members of staff to go in this same direction, by supporting people in the organization in these efforts and to constantly make clear that our purpose is about results and character for the students.

As an organization with strong norms and values, IES also is governed by the following basic views:

  • Laws and regulations are to be followed, even if we may be working to change some of them for the better.
  • Honesty shall characterize everything we do. We do not say one thing in public and deliberately act differently in practice. We set correct grades in our schools after a professional assessment, not bending to undue pressure.
  • When marketing our schools, we present what we can offer in education, never offer benefits not relevant to education.
  • We show openness and a constructive attitude to other forces for the good of the students, like when municipalities, politicians and organizations want to visit, learn and cooperate for valid purposes.
  • We take with utmost seriousness our assignment to operate a school, plan responsibly and respond quickly and forcefully to correct problems. No organization can avoid problems, but our organization shall be dedicated to not let them persist without taking action.
  • We handle resources and finances in a responsible way, to secure that we can meet all our obligations and that IES schools can be relied upon as stable and long-term.
  • We expect dedicated and professional efforts from our employees, with a preparedness to “go the extra mile”, while offering a work environment where members of staff can thrive in exercising their profession and advance in responsibilities when excelling. Every employment, every assignment, every promotion is to be based on merit, only.
  • We uphold a climate of trust and transparency in the organization, in which wrongdoings or unprofessional behavior can be reported to management, for objective handling.
  • We respect the professional integrity of different roles, like teachers´assessment of correct grading and our principals´ sphere of autonomy to be the true leaders of their schools, within the framework of what IES stands for.

Within and beyond what is stated above, each individual working for IES must keep in mind:

  • That adult guardianship of young people requires that you never, ever, allow any breakdown in the role as a responsible guardian. Adults in the school are not “buddies”, not “friends on social media”, not “romantically alluring” with students. They are adults.
  • That any type of action bordering on corruption is absolutely forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to, any attempt to give favors to friends or relatives in being admitted to a school, accepting benefits for setting higher grades, using the position at IES for personal gain, buying equipment or services based on a personal relationship, etc. In case of any uncertainty on what is bordering on corruption, it is the responsibility of an employee to confer with his or her principal or superior.
  • That employment at IES, and embracing its values, entails giving the school your full professional dedication. Anything that interferes with that professional focus should be discussed with your principal. The task of educating and supporting young people for life is a demanding one, requiring full use and focus of your energy.

A culture of strong values in conviction and action cannot be regulated in every detail – that's why it is called a “culture”. Every member of the IES organization has a personal responsibility to act so that the culture is confirmed and renewed every day, with every action. Ask yourself:

  • Is my way of acting and thinking in accordance with the core values of Internationella Engelska Skolan?
  • Do I contribute to a positive, upbeat and constructive atmosphere in the school, and by my way of interacting with students and colleagues?
  • Can I explain and defend my actions with a clear conscience, should they be scrutinized in public, for example in a newspaper article or through a school inspection?
  • Do I contribute positively to the strong and good reputation of Internationella Engelska Skolan? This entails also how I am perceived outside of school, for example when a parent happens to run into to me in a public environment. Impressions are created not only in school, but also by what others can see outside of school, including how I act on social media.
  • What consequences could my behavior have for IES and the school? Go for the good, dare to stand up for strong values. Try to be someone to emulate also in civil life.

As a member of Friskolornas Riksförbund, Internationella Engelska Skolan adheres to:

The “Etiska riktlinjer för Friskolornas Riksförbund”