
Internationella Engelska Skolan Västerås is an 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 08 November 2022

Open House at IES Västerås

Welcome to our Open House at IES Västerås, November 17th, at 5pm!


We are very excited to welcome you to our Open House at IES Västerås! On Thursday, November 17th, you are invited to visit our school and see what IES Västerås is all about.

The Open House is open to current families and those who are interested in joining our school in the future.

There will be various presentations along with displays and activities organised by both academic and non-academic departments. Several after school clubs will also have displays. Coffee, sweets and sandwiches will be available for purchase from both grade 7s and grade 9s for a small amount, the proceeds will go to the year group for events the student's request. Paid parking is available to the left of the main school entry.

In the case there is a presentation you would really like to see we will write a few of the presentation times below. All visitors will recieve an open house program upon arrival in our main entry. 

17:15 - WELCOME TO IES VÄSTERÅS  (Principal - Ms Maud Segerstedt)

17:30 - LGR22 SWEDISH NATIONAL CURRICULUM (AP for Academics - Mr Darren Wright)

17:45 - GRADING IN JUNIOR SCHOOL  (Head Of Grade 4 - Ms Camilla Skarps)

18:00 - PREVENTATIVE WORK (Head of Year 7 - Ms Soumaya Beji, Ms Kaldin and Mr Lehtonen) 

18:15 - PASTORAL WORK and STUDENT CARE TEAM (AP for Pastoral - Mr Philip Edman)

18:30 - STUDENT DEVELOPMENT TEAM  (Head of SDT - Ms Jessica Hedlund)

18:45 - TRYGGHETSTEAMET & HERE4U  (Ms Maria Claesson and Ms Madeline Von Zeipel)

17:00-19:00 - ENROLLMENT INFORMATION ( Head of Admin- Ms. Laura Conklin)

Looking forward to meeting you there!
If you have any questions please contact the school directly by calling 021 471 7450.