
Internationella Engelska Skolan Västerås is an 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 02 May 2023

IES Västerås May Newsletter

With the school year winding down, students will be busy taking final exams and completing projects. We hope they try to prioritise studying and managing their time wisely. Warmer weather is hopefully soon here, which means it's soon the perfect time to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. Take a walk, go for a hike, or simply sit outside and soak up the sun. Also, summer break is just around the corner, so students should try to make sure to finish the school year strong. They should use these last few weeks to wrap up any loose ends and prepare for the next academic year. Success requires hard work and dedication, so they shouldn't give up now. They should continue to push themselves to achieve their goals and strive for excellence. If you're a student reading this, make sure to take advantage of all the resources and opportunities your school has to offer. Talk to your teachers and advisors to get the most out of your education.

We hope you have a wonderful May filled with hard work, fun, and success.

// IESV Management


Message from our School Counsellor 


This time of year it is very busy for our year 9. They are doing their last months in elementary school - and then they will be off to secondary school. Here are some dates and some important information from Heidi Ojala, our student counsellor.


On Tuesday 11th of April, preliminary admissions came out at Dexter (where students make their high school choices). Many were happy but there are some who need to add plan B to secure a school placement this summer. 


On Monday 17th, the re-selection period opens for year 9, which means they can make changes to their choices. It closes on May 3 at 16.00, after that students can reselect but then it will be subject to space.


The work towards different types of goals starts already in junior classes. During May, I will have group guidance for years 4 and 5 to discuss school and professions. I work with  job cards, which are very popular because the students get to guess professions and then we talk about the profession. The idea is that they should increase professional knowledge”.


Heidi Ojala

Message from Head of Maths department


Our journey feels like it only started yesterday, handing out textbooks and greeting the fresh start of the new year. However before we knew it 8 months of the year had already passed by. Now we begin our final journey in preparing all our students for their upcoming Maths National tests. Over the next 3 weeks, we shall begin our final round of revision, ensuring all areas of knowledge  are covered. 


The students will be able to utilise a combination of old National test papers as well as materials from the textbook to stabilise their strengths and develop any areas with room for improvement. We wish our Year 9 students good luck in their learning, and invite all to question, investigate and ask for any support they feel is needed in order to succeed to the best of their abilities.

Message from Head of Year 9


Our students have had a jam packed calendar year on their journey through Grade 9 so far, with University event celebrations, Gymnaiumassa’s, Gymnasium selections and Dexter registrations, to the National Tests we are now in the middle of. It has been a rollercoaster ride for all of them, that is for sure.


We had a very successful Valentines party for our Year 4’s and 5’s in February, which was a treat for our youngest students to be hosted by our seniors. We have also now reached an important stage this academic year, as this past week our Year 9’s received their Primary Gymnasiet placements. With still a few more National Tests to go and some important assessment work to cover, our Year 9’s will also have a chance for a final fundraising in this year's May Spring Festival. Which is exciting because as it is their last Spring Fair, it also coincides with IESV’s Ten year anniversary this year.


The year 9’s are also beginning to get excited about their upcoming Prom in week 22 and finally their graduation in week 23. With less than eight weeks until their IESV journey comes to an end, there is still much to do, and myself and their mentors would like to continue encouraging them to make sure they “finish strong”!

Message from Administration

The following is important information regarding Graduation, which will be held at 10:00 on Friday, June 9th at Västerås Arena.


- Graduation invitations & tickets will be handed to the students at the end of May and a text message will be sent to the parents to inform them the invitations had been given out.

- Each Year 9 Student will be allowed to invite up to 4 people to Graduation. 

- Choir / Band members from other Year Groups will be allowed to invite their parents to Graduation to see them perform.

- Students in Year 4 - 8 are expected to attend the Graduation Ceremony at the Arena.

- ALL staff and students are to go directly to the Arena on June 9th and must find their own transportation to / from the event.

- Only guardians of year 9s and guardians of performers will be invited to this event due to limited space.  


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email the school at