
Internationella Engelska Skolan Täby is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 06 November 2024

A message from our SYV

This year we have a new SYV, Sepideh Moberg to support our students with careers advice and gymnasium choice.


Hello parents,

I hope you’ve had a good start to autumn. It’s wonderful to see the beautiful colors of nature change, and equally rewarding to spend my workdays with your teenagers. During our motivating and guiding conversations, I’ve had the chance to hear many interesting thoughts and ideas from them.

I want to thank those of you who participated in our evening meeting at the beginning of October. It was great to see your commitment to your children’s high school choices, and I’m impressed by how many of our 9th-grade students manage to balance both high-quality studies and sports at a high level.I am also equally impressed that a lot of our students of 9 grades already have high merit points from year 8.

Throughout October, I have been conducting individual guidance meetings with the students. In addition to these longer meetings, I’ve also had shorter sessions where we discuss PRAO (work experience) and the choice of a prao placement. I emphasize the importance of students choosing a placement in an area that truly interests them, as this can provide valuable insights into potential future career paths.

In our conversations, we talk a lot about the importance of balance and recovery during study time, especially in preparation for high school. I often mention Anders Hansen’s research on stress and the brain’s capacity, where he explains that the brain is not designed for the digital society we live in today.

Anders Hansen, a psychiatrist and author of books such as The Real Happy Pill and The Screen Brain, discusses how our brain reacts to constant connectivity and information flow, which can lead to stress, sleep problems, and other negative effects. I have used this information to give the students tips on how to find a healthy balance between school, free time, physical activity, and rest.

An interesting observation is that many students use social media for 3-4 hours per day, which amounts to 21-28 hours per week. This is something we discuss in our conversations, where I encourage students to reflect on their time and how they can use it more effectively for studies and recovery.

The purpose of these guidance meetings is to help students create a structure for their days, allowing them to optimize their time and energy. With clear planning, they can reduce stress, improve their academic performance, and achieve a more balanced lifestyle. I also offer coaching to students who wish to improve their grades or better plan their study time.

During my meetings, I also ask the students if they have started planning their high school choices with their parents. Therefore, I strongly recommend that now is the time to begin planning for open house visits and having conversations with your teenagers regarding their high school choices. 

In conclusion, I look forward to continuing to work with your children and support them on their journey toward high school. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting.