
Internationella Engelska Skolan Täby is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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We would like to tell you about the Parent Teacher Association at IEST

We are an independent organisation of parents who, in cooperation with the school, work towards the students interests and the improvement of the overall school environment. We arrange activities, often outside of ordinary school hours to increase social interaction between students, create memorable moments and simply have fun!

Previous years we have arranged following activities

• Junior Disco for years 4-6

• Romme Ski trip - total of 16 buses drove from school to the slopes

• Dragons Den - a challenge to promote entrepreneurship for year 8’s

• Spirit Awards – We award students who do their best for the others in school

• Senior Prom for year 9 ..... And much more!!!

We, of course, rely on your help!

Participation in the activities that are arranged by PTA, requires a membership, so make sure your child is in!

Membership fee is 125 SEK per child & year - can be swished to 12 36 58 05 59 or paid to PG 30 88 38-2.

Please mark the payment with your child’s name and class.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions, suggestions, ideas or thoughts.

Monica Samie - Chair of the Board - Tel: 0704561335

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Täby PTA