
Internationella Engelska Skolan Östersund is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 24 August 2022

Welcome back to School!

A warm welcome back to our fantastic IES Östersund staff, students and parents/caregivers! We hope that you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer break and are ready for a new and exciting school year at IES Östersund!


Our Principal (Mr Reunanen) and Assistant Principal: Academics (Ms Viner) welcoming the students to school.

Autumn term has begun, bringing with it many team building activities for our students to get to know each other in their new mentor groups. It has also provided a great opportunity for our staff and students to familiarise themselves with one another and assemble routines together. Each mentor group has also been able to spend time going through our core values & school messages to see how they can implement these ideas throughout the school year together.

After a few days of being with their mentor group and teachers, the students began following their timetabled lessons which enabled our Year 4 -9 students to meet their various subject teachers. Our FSKL students also attended a house ceremony where they were introduced to IES Östersund’s house system and placed into one of our four incredible houses.