
Internationella Engelska Skolan Östersund is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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Welcome from the principal

Welcome to Internationella Engelska Skolan Östersund!

I am delighted to introduce you to Internationella Engelska Skolan Östersund! It is a pleasure and a privilege to be the Principal at IES Östersund and to have been involved from its very beginning. Internationella Engelska Skolan schools are all very special places. Although each school has its own unique, local personality and atmosphere - they all share the same core values which reinforce absolutely everything that happens within the school.  

Internationalella Engelska Skolan Östersund is a popular, high achieving school situated in Östersund - a lively town which is the capital of the Jämtland County. The school occupies a large site with an excellent range of specialist facilities such as a sports hall, science labs, home economics room, crafts rooms and our own library. I am very aware that Internationella Engelska Skolan Östersund is a young school which needs to take its place in the Östersund community and I want us to be able to celebrate Jämtland’s culture and play a meaningful role in the life of our beautiful city.    

Our school opened up in 2020, when we welcomed 330 students to our FSKL - Year 7 classes. But in the summer of 2021, we almost doubled the number of students that attend our school and we now have two classes per year-group! As of August 2022 our Year 9 class begun at our school, making us a F - 9 school. My dedicated team and I work hard each day to ensure that the school has a calm and safe environment where teachers can teach and students learn. We all have high academic expectations for every student that joins our school and every member of staff is committed to helping students achieve a command of the English language. 

Internationella Engelska Skolan is a values based organisation that places students at the core of everything that we do. At IES Östersund we also believe in the importance of demonstrating great SISU, courage and determination, kindness and showing consideration to one another.

Together with my team of staff, students, families and the Östersund community, I have every confidence that our school will develop as a warm, welcoming place which inspires all of its students on their lifelong educational adventure. 

Kind regards, 

Mr Mika Reunanen

