
Internationella Engelska Skolan Norrtälje is a bilingual school that gives every student the possibility to meet high academic expectations and aspirations, and to navigate an international environment, whatever their background.

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News | 26 June 2024

Who is Stina Hake?

It's time to get to know all the teachers and staff who will meet the students at IES Norrtälje in the autumn! Next up is music teacher Stina Hake.


What did you do before you started at IES Norrtälje?
Before I came here, I was on parental leave from my job as a music teacher at a primary school in Österåker.

What’s the best thing about your job?
The best thing about my job is that I get to meet a lot of nice, young people and see them develop and gain confidence in their music-making. Music can feel a bit scary before you find your way. I love being able to help with their journey.

What are you most looking forward to when the school has opened?
It will be incredibly exciting to build a completely new school culture and new traditions together with new colleagues and students.

Which one is your favourite song right now?
Right now I mostly listen to “Alright” by The Lost Patrol Band. It always makes me happy.

Do you have any pets?
I have cats, a dog and chickens.

Tell something about yourself not many people know.
I'm a big Studio Ghibli fan.

What was your favourite subject in school?
Music, of course.

Do you have any dreams for the future?
Plenty! I want to write books and more music. And how cool would it be with alpacas and sheep? One day I will build my dream sauna too.

What do you do outside of work?
I enjoy gardening and playing music with my band Ye Banished Privateers.

What do you do to peak the children's interest and desire to learn new things?
Of course, I try to make the lessons fun and interactive so that everyone feels included and excited to learn.

What is your favourite memory with your students?
One of my absolute best memories was when I taught middle school students a song and dance. One day when I went out into the schoolyard during my lunch break, I saw over 50 students dancing and singing at the top of their lungs to the song we had been working on for a few lessons. We really created something together.