
Internationella Engelska Skolan Norrtälje is a bilingual school that gives every student the possibility to meet high academic expectations and aspirations, and to navigate an international environment, whatever their background.

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News | 16 May 2024

Who is Jonathan McNulty?

It's time to get to know all the teachers and staff who will meet the students at IES Norrtälje in the autumn! Next up is Physical education and health (PE) teacher Jonathan McNulty.


What did you do before you started at IES Norrtälje?
Teaching PE at IES Gävle.

What’s the best thing about your job?
Internationalism gave me the chance to learn new things about students' cultures.

What are you most looking forward to when the school has opened?
A brand new school means a fresh start for everyone!

Which one is your favourite song right now?
“Heaven takes you home” by Swedish House Mafia.

Do you have any pets?
No pets but love dogs!

Tell something about yourself not many people know.
Not many people know I have a twin brother.

Do you have any dreams for the future?
My dream is to open a “bed and breakfast” in Italy.

What do you do outside of work?
Outside of work, I enjoy playing football, golf and running.

What do you do to peak the children's interest and desire to learn new things?
I get students interested in new things by celebrating small successes and being enthusiastic.

What is your favourite memory with your students?
Best memories with students comes from swimming - seeing a student so scared of water, and working with them to eventually swim 200 meters.