
Internationella Engelska Skolan Norrtälje is a bilingual school that gives every student the possibility to meet high academic expectations and aspirations, and to navigate an international environment, whatever their background.

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News | 18 July 2024

Who is Henry Lightfoot?

It's time to get to know all the teachers and staff who will meet the students at IES Norrtälje in the autumn! Next up is woodcraft teacher Henry Lightfoot.


What did you do before you started at IES Norrtälje?
Woodcraft Teacher at IES Upplands Väsby.

What’s the best thing about your job?
Observing my students enjoy themselves while improving their woodworking skills.

What are you most looking forward to when the school has opened?
Meeting all the new students and staff.

Which one is your favourite song right now?
Probably "Beautiful things" by Benson Boone.

Do you have any pets?
We have an English Bulldog... his name is Ulf!

Tell something about yourself not many people know.
I used to be a Landscaper before teaching.

What was your favourite subject in school?
In South Africa we had a subject called Technical Drawings... Loved it!

Do you have any dreams for the future?
To see my own kids grow up to be the best they can be!

What do you do outside of work?
I am a family guy so I love spending quality time with my family.

What do you do to peak the children's interest and desire to learn new things?
Plan introduction lessons well and also like using realistic and real time examples.

What is your favourite memory with your students?
My Y9 students from 22/23. They worked on a "final project" after completing the years work and they could choose between Textiles and Woodcraft. Majority chose Woodcraft and it was crazy in the Woodcraft room, but the students made fantastic products like chess pieces, desk organizers, fidget spinners, cricket and baseball bats.... too many to mention! We had such a good time in the craft room!