
Internationella Engelska Skolan Norrtälje is a bilingual school that gives every student the possibility to meet high academic expectations and aspirations, and to navigate an international environment, whatever their background.

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News | 11 January 2023

IES continues to stand strong after the pandemic

IES students continue to perform better, and receive more accurate grades than the national average, thanks to our systematic quality work. This is shown in the quality report for the academic year 2021/2022.


Two years of pandemic placed a strain on both students and staff. Distance learning and home study have affected both wellbeing and school results. The quality report for the 2021/2022 school year explains the systematic quality work that is the key to IES continuing to provide the best education for its students and help them achieve strong results during and after the pandemic.

The IES model

At IES pastoral work outside the classroom is as important as the teaching in the classroom. The overarching goal at IES is to give every student – regardless of background – the conditions to reach high knowledge goals and navigate in an international environment. At every IES school academic ambitions are high for every student; however, skilled teachers alone are not enough. Success also requires an environment where students feels safe and seen – and where each student's specific needs are met.

Systematic quality work yields results

To ensure quality, as well as identify areas with potential for improvement, IES conducts systematic work with regular evaluation, improvement measures and follow up. These are based on four indicators; a student survey, a parent survey, a teacher survey and national tests.

The results are clear: 95% of IES students are qualified to attend upper secondary school (compared to 85% nationally), 86% of IES students reach the knowledge targets in all subjects (compared to 74% nationally). The percentage of students who achieve top grade (C+) is also higher for IES students, 51% in mathematics (33% nationally), 62% in Swedish (48% nationally), 96% in English (78% nationally).

IES students perform better on the national tests than the national average. The correlation between the results of national tests and final grades is also higher for IES students than the national average, which shows that our work to secure correct and fair grading is proving successful. Ensuring correct grading is done through internal moderation and central review, where every deviation is followed up.

To meet the demand from families on the municipalities conditions

During the 2021/2022 school year, IES opened three new schools, in Trelleborg, Staffanstorp and Växjö. Every new school that is opened is based on the municipality's assessment of their need and the demand among families. Through its long-term and good cooperation with large real estate companies, IES is an attractive partner for many municipalities as we can reduce their investment costs, and our clear profile and international focus complements existing schools in the area.