
Internationella Engelska Skolan Nacka is a bilingual 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 05 September 2023

Letter from the principal, september 2023

Dear parents, students and staff,

Welcome to the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. We are proud to be celebrating Internationella Engelska Skolan Sverige turning 30 this school year.  Our founder, Barbara Bergström, is commemorating this with a second edition of the book “Tough Love”.  If you would like to know more, IES Head Office will be sharing news about the new edition in the central social media channels during the autumn term and on the central webpage. 

We started by kicking off the first week with an amazing welcome back class/ year level day.  New and returning students had an opportunity to meet their new mentors and classmates.   We quickly jumped into the regular schedule on day two and having visited every class I am happy to report that staff and students are doing wonderfully.  The parent / mentor evenings were highly attended and appreciated by everyone.   Week 37 will bring the SPT’s and offer a great time for students, parents and mentors to set priorities for the 2023-2024 school year.  As always, please get involved at the school by being a student council member, joining different clubs,  the food council,  and we highly encourage the parents to volunteer as class parent representatives or to take part in different outing activities happening at the school. 

During the term, we will continue working with the insurance company in order to get a large area of the  playground fixed. While this is being tended to the students are able to utilize the gym halls, during some of the lunch breaks, to play football and have an area to enjoy.  We are looking forward to parent mingle evenings later in the term, culture days week 51 and Year Level 8 two week PRAO at the end of the autumn term. 

Please take a moment to read about the following possibilities in Nacka:

Föräldraföreläsningarna - Lyssna för livet är ett samarbete mellan Nacka kommun, Rädda Barnen och Nacka församling. Föreläsningarna är kostnadsfria och ges i första hand i Nacka kyrka men livesänds också via webben. 

Till hösten har vi bjudit in:

  • Martin Forster den 20 september - ”Barn med oro och låg självkänsla, hur kan vi stärka våra barn?”
  • Frida Berry Eklund den 18 oktober - ”Prata med barn om klimatet, varför är det viktigt och hur gör vi?”
  • Christina Sahlberg, den 22 november - ”Lär ditt barn om pengar, en guide för dig som förälder”

Ni kan läsa mer och göra en anmälan  Föräldraföreläsningar | Nacka kommun:



Donald Christian

Principal IES Nacka