
Internationella Engelska Skolan Nacka is a bilingual 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 11 April 2024

Admission update for fall of 2024


Update 2024-04-11

We have currently filled all of our places for year 4, 2024, and invited those that have been in the queue since before 2019-02-21. If we have more open spots, we will keep sending out invites, in queue order, via e-mail and text message. Make sure your contact details are up to date! Please log into your application and make sure you have added both guardians personnummer as well. 

Same goes for other year levels - we will only invite new students if and when someone else decides to leave. For fall of 2024, this process will be in the late spring and summer, all the way up until school starts. 

As always, you can contact us at, but please note that we can not answer any queue questions via the school's reception. 

Kind Regards,

Admissions team


Update 2024-01-31

We have now filled most of our places for year 4, fall 2024, and invited those that have been in the queue since before 2017-10-26, or who have siblings at the school. We will keep sending out invites, in queue order, via e-mail and text message. Make sure your contact details are up to date! As we recieve replies, we will update and continue down our list/queue and invite the next in line until all 150 places are filled. 

As for our other year levels, we will only invite new students if and when someone else decides to leave. For fall of 2024, this process will be in the late spring and summer, all the way up until school starts. 

The exception is year 6, where we always admit ten additional students. This process will begin shortly. 

We will send out e-mails to the entire queue for 2024, to check interest - please keep an eye out for these e-mails and make sure to reply if you wish to keep your place in the queue. 

As always, you can contact us at, but please note that we can not answer any queue questions via the school's reception. 

Kind Regards,

Admissions team


Update 2023-11-28

We have now filled about 2/3 of our places, and invited those that have been in the queue since before 2017-01-31, or who have siblings at the school. We will keep sending out invites, in queue order, via e-mail and text message. Make sure your contact details are up to date! As we recieve replies, we will update and continue down our list/queue and invite the next in line until all 150 places are filled. 

Kind Regards,

Admissions team

Update 2023-10-23

The admission process for 2023 has now begun! We have sent invites to those first in our queue,  via email and text messages. As we recieve replies, we will update and continue down our list/queue and invite the  next in line.

Those that at the moment have been contacted have been in our student queue since before 2015-02-11, or have siblings at the school.

We will update again once we have more updated responses, in two weeks time.

Kind Regards,

Admissions team