Internationella Engelska Skolan Nacka is a bilingual 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.
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Junior Club at IES Nacka is an afternoon club at the end of the school day. It is staffed with our five school assistants, and the phone number to reach JC is: 070 164 33 75.
Make sure you have this number! Students are not allowed to have their phones during JC, and your only way to reach them is on the JC phone.
All students in year 4 are guaranteed a place in the Junior Club. A sign-up form will be sent out before the beginning of term. You sign up, and pay the fee (3200:-) , for one term at a time.
Check-in / Check-out:
At the beginning of the school year, there will be a list with all students that have signed up for JC. After the last class every day, everyone who is going to JC that day, checks in on the list and then waits outside the classroom to be gathered by a staff member. When the students leave JC, they always check off their name on the list and tell an adult.
Daily routines:
1. Students check in for the day
2. Cell phones are turned off and handed in, in one of the red boxes when coming to the lunch room
3. Afternoon snack is served 14:30-15:00
4. Starting at 14:45, we go out and play in the school yard
5. Starting at 15:15, students may go to floor 5 where other activities are available
6. At 16:25 JC starts to close up and at 16.30 the school closes
Communication and responsibility:
Junior Club is not like “fritids” in elementary school. The students have more responsibility. They need to know and remember whether they should attend JC or not. They also need to know whether they will be picked up after school or not and when this will happen. Talk to your child in the morning before school and let them know how to come home from school. You can also call us to let your child know that it is time to go home or that you are outside the school for pick up.
Always use the JC phone: 070 164 33 75.
Students can also use this phone to call you - make sure they know your number! Communication about special events will be via Schoolsoft, so make sure to check regularly.
Our expectations:
Typical activities may include: