
Internationella Engelska Skolan Lund is
a 4-9 school with a safe and calm en-
vironment, where teachers can teach
and students learn.
The school is bilingual and situated
in the beautiful Sankt Lars Park.

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News | 20 September 2024

The IGCSE results are in!

Last June, 14 of our Year 9 students sat the English First Language IGCSE and as a school were awarded IES's Cambridge Exemplary Achievement Award for outstanding results.


Cambridge’s IGCSEs are qualifications sat by nearly 300,000 students in 4581 schools across 140 countries.  

At IES Lund we offer the English First Language IGCSE and Mathematics IGCSE as extracurricular studies.  

Last June, 14 of our year 9 students sat the English First Language IGCSE and as a school were awarded IES's Cambridge Exemplary Achievement Award for outstanding results.  

Our 15 students who sat the Maths IGCSE paper must not be forgotten either!  With 100% awarded C+ and 20% achieving A*, they deserve a big round of applause too. 

We are so proud of our students who challenged themselves to advance their knowledge outside of their regular lesson, and sit high pressure IGCSE exams during their National Tests.  

Well done to everyone!