
Internationella Engelska Skolan Lund is
a 4-9 school with a safe and calm en-
vironment, where teachers can teach
and students learn.
The school is bilingual and situated
in the beautiful Sankt Lars Park.

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News | 18 November 2024

Christmas Market & Student Work Exhibition

Welcome along to the IES Lund Christmas Market & Student Work Exhibition on Friday, 13th December, from 16:30 to 18:00!


Get into the festive spirit with us on Friday, 13th December, from 16:30 to 18:00 for the IES Lund Christmas Market. 

What’s in store? Find students & staff handmade crafts, home baked goods perfect for the season, Christmas decorations and much more for sale!

Sights to see:  While you’re here come and see exhibitions of our talented students' arts & crafts and science projects. 

Feeling Hungry? The PTA will be serving hot dogs to keep you warm and fuelled

We can’t wait to see you there!