
Internationella Engelska Skolan Linköping is a F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn. The school is located in central Linköping and the schoolyard is situated within the beautiful, natural surroundings of the 100 year old seminarieträdgården.

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News | 25 March 2024

Year 8 debate

Last week our Swedish classes have been held in the auditorium where our students in Y8 have been debating vastly different topics.


The purpose has been to equip students with the tools and confidence needed to express their opinions in a democratic society and to excel at the ancient art of rethoric.


The 4 topics being debated were

Should Sweden have zoos?

Should Sweden reduce the minimum age for driving?

Should Sweden have the death penalty?

Should we have more vegetarian options for school lunch?


The judges were staff at IESL and included our Principal Mr Bizzozero and Assistant Principal Ms Brandt.