
Internationella Engelska Skolan Kungsbacka is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 29 February 2024

Spring Fair 2024

It is time for another traditional Spring Fair at IES Kungsbacka!
Save the date: 27th of April


Spring Fair is one of the biggest fundraising events at the school, and it is a traditional event that has been very much appreciated by both students, families and staff the past two years. The main purpose is not only to have a fulfilled day at school, but also to raise money that can be used for various student activities,

resources and other events at the school. All contributions during this event will directly support the students.

The event is planned by the Parent Teacher Organisation (PTA) together with the school and students. However, we cannot make this happen without help from parents/guardians. If you are able to volunteer your time for support during the event, please fill out this Volonteer sign-up form - Spring Fair 2024. There will be a planning meeting for all volunteers on April 16th at 18.00 in the school cafeteria.

Please mark your calendars and keep your eyes open for more information on how to buy entry tickets and lottery tickets.

If you own a business, or work at a business, and want to donate prizes for the Spring Fair lottery, please contact us: