
Internationella Engelska Skolan Kungsbacka is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 24 April 2024

8B dominated the Regional Final of Teknikåttan!

8B won the Regional Final in Teknikåttan at Chalmers on Thursday!
A competition in Science, Technology and Maths, arranged by 10 Swedish universities. Around 20000 schools competed from all over Sweden in the first qualifying round. 8B was one of 6 schools in the Gothenburg area to go on to the Regional final.


IES Kungsbacka ended up with 51 points which was way ahead of the other teams. The other schools were stronger in the practical tasks, but 8B dominated the theoretical part!

The class brought home a big trophy and a check for 10000 kr, both which can be seen in our trophy cabinet in the reception. The class now have about a month to prepare for the National Final that will take place in Stockholm.

We are very proud of you and good luck in the final!