
Internationella Engelska Skolan Jönköping is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 03 March 2023

The months of January and February were ones of cultural exchange here at IESJ.

At the end of January, a group of eleven Oxford University students visited our school as part of their various educational programs, and at the end of February, our Primary School Leadership Team went to Liverpool England for several days and visited two local schools to both observe, and exchange ideas. 


The months of January and February were ones of cultural exchange here at IESJ.

At the end of January, a group of eleven Oxford University students visited our school as part of their various educational programs. The visiting students are currently studying to become preschool, primary school, and secondary school teachers, as well as, social workers.

Their visit to IESJ was arranged through the Kommun, and during their stay in Sweden they visited a variety of different educational institutions. We were pleased to be included on their visitation schedule.

While at IESJ, the Oxford University students were hosted by our Primary School Coordinator,  Ms. Carol Kai. Ms. Kai gave them a general tour of our facilities and then took them on longer visits to several primary school classrooms in addition to our library. The students finished their day by meeting with our school’s Pastoral Care Team. 

At the end of February, our Primary School Leadership Team went to Liverpool England for several days and visited two local schools to both observe, and exchange ideas. 

While at Hope Primary School and Prescott Primary School, our Leadership Team focused on a broad range of topics. Topics included but were not limited to the following: outdoor play and sensory circuits, early years curriculum and social communication activities, the identification of needs and working with families, dyslexia screening, speech and language screening, referrals and applications, attendance strategies, sensory breaks, visuals and provisions, as well as, the adaption of work.

Our staff also visited therapy rooms and spoke to students who had completed the programme titled ‘Think Yourself Great’, which is a social and emotional, self esteem building programme. They were also able to observe a new group of students who were just starting their work with the programme.

Further, IESJ staff attended a ‘Zones of Regulation’ group work session, intended to help children understand their feelings and emotions thus allowing them to better self regulate. Our leadership team not only spoke with children engaging in the activities but also led them through portions of their work.

The experience was enriching for all involved and our staff will use the knowledge gained through the above mentioned exchanges to further develop and improve our primary school as it grows and develops.