
Internationella Engelska Skolan Jönköping is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 25 October 2022

Regional Conference 2022

On Friday October 21st, IES Jönköping hosted our annual Regional Conference. Staff from IES Växjö and IES Linköping joined us for a day of learning and cooperation with the goal of facilitating long term cooperation and support amongst the three schools. 


On Friday October 21st, IES Jönköping hosted our annual Regional Conference. Staff from IES Växjö and IES Linköping joined us for a day of learning and cooperation with the goal of facilitating long term cooperation and support amongst the three schools. 

IES Växjö opened in August of this academic year and serves students in years F-7, with plans to grow successively until August of 2024 at which time they intend on serving students in years F-9. IES Linköping was established in 2003 and serves students in years 4-9. IES Jönköping was established in 2009, and through several stages of expansion, currently serves students in years F-9.

The Regional Conference was an organisation wide event where all 46 IES locations participated in morning workshops led by IES Headquarters. These workshops were tailored and specific to each working group within our schools. The main topic, as teachers comprise the majority of our staff, was on LGR 22, grading integrity, and moderation. 

Each region was able to dictate their own afternoon workshops. Our region chose to focus on Rosenshine’s Principles, as well as, teacher collegial development where various departments were able to continue their LGR 22 discussions. During this time, departments were able to share resources so as to facilitate a smooth transition into our new curriculums and mark schemes. 

A decision to focus on Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction was made as part of a larger professional development project started by IES Jönköping last Spring. Teachers at IESJ have participated in several professional development activities exploring the work of Barak Rosenshine, who was a Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois until his death in 2017. Rosenshine used cognitive science research, observation of what he called master teachers, and research on cognitive supports and scaffolds to identify instructional procedures that best enable learning. From those procedures Rosenshine then identified 10 key principles of effective instruction. Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction are firmly backed by evidence based research that supports their effectiveness. 

We rounded out the day with team building activities, thereby creating a time to socialise in a less formal setting before our Växjö and Linköping colleagues boarded their buses home in the late afternoon. An enriching, educational, and meaningful day was had by all!