
Internationella Engelska Skolan Jönköping is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 26 September 2022

Annual Modern Foreign Language Week

During week 39 IESJ is celebrating its annual Modern Foreign Language Week which is both informed and inspired by The European Day of Languages. The European Day of Languages is an annual Council of Europe event which has been celebrated on September 26th since 2001.


During week 39 IESJ is celebrating its annual Modern Foreign Language Week which is both informed and inspired by The European Day of Languages. 

The European Day of Languages is an annual Council of Europe event which has been celebrated on September 26th since 2001. EDL is promoted by the Council of Europe in conjunction with the European commission and seeks to draw attention to humanity’s rich linguistic and cultural diversity. Promotion of linguistic and cultural diversity serves to preserve cultural heritage and strives to achieve greater intercultural understanding. By extending the range of languages that people learn throughout their lives one is able to develop their multilingual skills and in doing so helps to reinforce the goal of intercultural compassion. 

During MFL week our students in years 6-9 will participate in various MFL week activities and challenges and will be awarded house points for their successful completion. Activities and challenges will take place during their regular MFL lesson times and include the creation of a Language tree, as well as, the learning and performing of tongue twisters where those who recite them the fastest and with the most accurate pronunciation earn the most points. On Friday, our kitchen staff will serve a themed lunch and will provide well known dishes from France, Germany, and Spain. Both our common areas and our MFL classrooms have been decorated with informational posters and various national flags to further promote and celebrate this event. 

IESJ’s MFL week, including EDL, is an anticipated event that is appreciated by both staff and students alike. As such, IESJ would like to extend a big thank you to our MFL teachers and kitchen staff for making this an event to look forward to and remember year after year!