
Internationella Engelska Skolan Jönköping is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 21 September 2023

Feedback that makes a difference

Research says that feedback can double the amount of progress a student makes, as such, it is of utmost importance to both our leadership and staff.


IES headquarters has set a two year goal for all schools to improve student success in the learning environment. To kick off this project and to ensure success over the next two academic years, IESJ dedicated yesterday’s in-service day (teacher work day) to discussing and learning about effective feedback strategies. Research says that feedback can double the amount of progress a student makes, as such, it is of utmost importance to both our leadership and staff.

We know that feedback should help students close the gap between where they are now, and where they want to be next. Feedback should help students know where they are in relation to the goal, and realise what they need to bridge the gap.

Yesterday we learned that feedback is successful when it is about supporting and nurturing student learning. When it is specific, limited, and well targeted and finally, when it is given to emphasise what leads to increased learning. 

Mistakes are an important part of the learning process and we praise the efforts our students put into achieving mastery. We continually strive to give our students feedback that makes a difference.