
Internationella Engelska Skolan Järfälla is a year 5-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 01 November 2023

Admissionprocess IESJ 2024/2025

Admission process for next academic school year starts every year in November.
* In the beginning of November, the school invites to an information evening by email.
* At the same time a SMS sends out about this email.
* This invite goes out to children first in line for the current academic school year and to more
children than the spots we have to offer.
* In the end of November, after the info eve, admission package sends out by email.
* At the same time a SMS sends out about this email.
* OBS! Every one of this email has an “answer by the lates” date. If the school has not got an
respond from you we assume that you are not interest and your child will be removed from
the queue.
After the deadline for responses the school complies the received responses and makes a new offer
by email if necessary. This process continue until all places are filled.
Important! It is the guardian’s responsibility to keep their contacts in the queue updated.