
Internationella Engelska Skolan Hässleholm is an F - 9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

Join our School Digital Tour

News | 28 January 2024

Important Dates

We have an exciting school-year ahead of us as our school will be opening its doors to year F-3 after the summer break! Below you will find the list with the important dates. Be sure to join our upcoming events to get all the information you need!


29 Jan. 2024 - Meet Our Principal
Welcome to school! Drop-in between 16.00 - 19.00. The principal will be present to answer questions about F-3 as well as before and after school care.

31 Jan. 2024 - Meet Our Management Team
Join our digital meeting from 16.30 to 17.30 to learn more about year F-3. Register by sending an email to:

5 Feb. 2024 - Open House - Year 4
Are you interested in year 4? Welcome to meet teachers and students who work together in our current year 4. Get some insight into a normal school day at IES Hässleholm!

7 Feb. 2024 - Meet Our Principal
Welcome to school! Drop-in between 16.00 - 19.00. The principal will be present to answer questions about F-3 as well as before and after school care.