
Internationella Engelska Skolan Hässleholm is an F - 9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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Key Dates

Events at our school

Our school is an exciting and active learning environment. Here are some of the important dates in our school calendar.

Key Dates

  • 01

    August 2024

    Fritids Opens

    We are pleased to finally open fritids and welcome the students!

  • 19

    August 2024

    School Start for New Students

    We welcome the new students to the school for a brand new and exciting schoolyear! Old students are not meant to be in school today.

  • 20

    August 2024

    School Start for "Old" Students

    We welcome the students who attended the school last year! New students are also meant to be at school today.

  • 27

    August 2024

    Class Parent Meeting Y4-6

  • 29

    August 2024

    Class Parent Meeting Y7-9

  • 03

    September 2024

    Inservice Day, Fritids Closed

    No lessons and fritids is closed.

  • 18 - 19

    September 2024

    Student-Parent-Teacher Talks

    SPTs will take place in the afternoon.

  • 23 - 25

    September 2024

    Class Photos

    Come to school with your finest outfit and your brightest smile for the class photos!

  • 10

    October 2024

    Open House

    Everyone is warmly welcome to the first open house of the schoolyear at IES Hässleholm, 10 October 2024, from 16:00 to 19:00. This is an opportunity to visit the school, get answers to your questions and meet our staff! See you there!

  • 18

    October 2024

    Inservice Day, Fritids Closed

    No lessons and fritids is closed.

  • 25

    October 2024

    Halloween Dress-up Day

    Come to school with your best Halloween costume! Remember: no clown costumes, no weapons nor pretend-weapons!

  • 28

    October 2024 - 02 November 2024

    Autumn Break (w. 44)

  • 08

    December 2024

    Hand-in Deadline

    Last chance for the students to hand in their work before the grades are set.

  • 11

    December 2024

    Inservice Day

    No lessons

  • 12 - 19

    December 2024

    Prao Y9

    Year 9 students will have prao Thursday 12, Monday 16, Tuesday 17, Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 December. Note that the students shall be in school Friday 13 and Friday 20 December.

  • 20

    December 2024 - 07 January 2025

    Christmas Break

  • 20

    December 2024

    End of Autumn Term

  • 08

    January 2025

    Beginning of Spring Term

  • 10 - 11

    February 2025

    Student-Parent-Teacher Talks

    SPTs take place in the afternoon.

  • 14

    February 2025

    Inservice Day, Fritids closed

    No lessons and fritids is closed.

  • 17 - 23

    February 2025

    Sports Break (w.8)

  • 01

    March 2025

    Open House

    Welcome to a new open house at our school, Saturday 1 March 2025, between 10:00-12:00!

  • 14 - 21

    April 2025

    Easter Break (w.16)

    No lessons Monday 21 April either.

  • 02

    May 2025

    Inservice Day, Fritids Closed

    No lessons and fritids is closed.

  • 25

    May 2025

    Hand-in Deadline

    Last chance for the students to hand in their work before the grades are set.

  • 30

    May 2025

    Bridge Day

    No lessons

  • 05

    June 2025

    Year 9 Prom

    We are thrilled to spend one last cheerful evening with our year 9 students before parting ways!

  • 12

    June 2025

    Mentor Day

  • 13

    June 2025

    Year 9 Graduation

    This ceremony is dedicated to our year 9 students. We celebrate their hard work and the end of their schooling with us!

  • 13

    June 2025

    End of Spring Term

    Last day of school!