We understand that we will receive regular reports about our child’s progress already from grade four. How does that work?

We will monitor your child’s progress continuously and provide written assessments of their progress to you. Grading is mandatory for students in grades 6 to 9, who receive mid-term reports as well as grades at the end of term, in accordance with the law. For parents and students in years 4 to 5, reports are given four times a year.

All F-3 students and parents receive regular feedback on progress during development talks, but grades are not set for these year-groups.

We hold development talks twice a year. As a family you will receive a card to fill in, two weeks before the talk is held, so that you have time to talk with your child and make your own determination of their progress. You can then sign up for a suitable time at school to meet with your child’s mentor and other members of staff.  The report prepared by the family is compared with the teachers’ report during the development talk, providing a solid base for discussion. Everyone works to ensure that the meeting has beneficial results for the students.