
Internationella Engelska Skolan Hässelby is an 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 30 August 2023

Breakfast at IES Hässelby

Free breakfast for more than 6 years at IES Hässelby Strand!


Principal Carina Bertsdotter had this to say about the breakfast at IES Hässelby:

In the wake of soaring inflation and rising food prices, many political voices have been raised during the year regarding the school offering free breakfast to students.

Based on this, some actors have launched breakfast options, which I think is absolutely extraordinary.

At the International English School Hässelby Strand, we have offered and served free breakfast to all students who wish for over 6 years, without having to register at any sign-up sheets for breakfast. Everyone is welcome any day you want a hearty and healthy breakfast. We offer yogurt, cereal, fiber toast, turkey, cheese, butter, milk and vegetables.

For us it goes without saying as it is an important building block in a good school day. And many more IES schools are already doing it too!

More schools (both free schools and municipal schools) should hang on!

Breakfast is open every school day from 7:30-8:30. Welcome!