News | 24 January 2025
Admissions IES Bromma
We are currently experiencing a very large number of questions regarding the queue. Due to that fact, we currently do not have the capacity to answer all your questions.
Please read the text below to see if it answers the question before mailing us. Please do not send in non-urgent questions at this point of time. We apologize for any delays and will work through the emails prioritizing the urgent ones.
New queue system and verification:
We are updating our queue system to make the process smoother and easier for you to apply and to make changes to your application. If you have a child in our student queue, you will receive an email asking if you want to remain in our queue and give your consent. You log in with a bank ID. You approve the handling of personal data and then press continue to proceed. You will then receive an email where you verify your email address. Unfortunately, we don't have time to go in and check if all the verifications have gone through. If for some reason it is not correct, you will receive a reminder. You will not disappear from the queue at this stage.
We did not receive any email/sms about verification:
We are reaching out in all possible ways we can to contact guardians to make sure everybody has a chance to keep their spot in the queue. However you can click on the "Join queue" button and log in with BankID. Then you can verify that you wish to continue being in our queue and update your contact information so we can reach you in the future
Process after logging in with BankID: You can now see information about your child. If you press on the house button in the left hand corner, you can also see what schools you applied to, what year and so on. As a guardian, you have the ability to change the school year for your child by pressing the three dots in the upper right corner of the information square. In the child's profile, you can see if your email address is verified or not.
What is my child's place in the queue? When/will they receive an offer to join:
These are common questions that we sadly cannot answer in a meaningful way due to sibling advantage(syskonförtur), and the very topsy-turvy nature on who accepts the offer.