
Internationella Engelska Skolan Älvsjö is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 20 October 2022

Students are invited to participate in a Scary Story Contest.

Week 43, you will get two Swedish lessons to write a short scary story. Submit your short story no later than October 28 to be part of the competition. Good luck!


We will also be celebrating Halloween at school! Students and staff are invited to dress up (no masks or violent props please).

Also, back by popular demand... The Year 9 Prom Committee are organising a Halloween Disco!

We will have our first school dance of the year on Friday, 28 October, 17:00-19:00.
Year 4-5-6 students are invited!

This is a Halloween disco, so you are invited to wear costumes. In fact, there will even be a costume competition with a special prize (no masks though). There will be music, a DJ, snacks and drinks, face painting and scaaaaaary games to play. Please bring a scary costume, but a happy and friendly viiiiiibe!