
Internationella Engelska Skolan Älvsjö is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 01 November 2022

Open Evening 2022

Only for CURRENT STUDENTS: IES Älvsjö will be hosting an Open Evening on Thursday, 17 November from 16.30-18.00


We are looking forward to hosting our Open Evening on Thursday, 17 November. We welcome guardians AND students to school. This is a chance to meet with teachers and learn more about what is going on at school. For years, we have not been able to meet together. This is a chance to start building those relationships again. 

We will have subject specific classrooms where you will be able to see the work our students are doing and hear more from subject specific teachers. We will also have computers where we will be asking for your feedback on the Development Talks, Open House and on the weekly mentor email. We are looking at the best ways to communicate with guardians and we need your opinions to do this.

I look forward to seeing you all there!

Written by: MS. NESEMANN, IES Älvsjö Principal
NOTE: This Open House is only for students that are currently attending class at IES Älvsjö.