
Internationella Engelska Skolan Älvsjö is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 31 May 2022

Author Visit - Lena Ollmark ( Y4, Y5 )

On Thursday, 10 March, our Year 4 students had a visit from Lena Ollmark! The students read a short story of hers in preparation.


She spoke to the students about story writing and how they can get started. They had a chance to read some of her short stories and to discuss what it means to be an author. We will be continuing this work when we celebrate World Book Day on Friday, 22 April.

NOTE: On May 10, Lena Ollmark visited our school again! This time she met with the Year 5 classes. Her visit with the Year 4 students was such a success, that we added on another date!