
Internationella Engelska Skolan Skärholmen is an international school with a safe and calm environment where teachers can teach and students learn.

News | 28 February 2022

Principal Letter - March

It is soon time for the term´s first break- the sports break!


Dear Parents and Guardians,

It has been delightful to see so many parents in the school this week. One thing Covid 19 has taught us is how important face-to-face interactions are: talking on screen is never the same.

We hope you found the SPTs useful, both as a chance to personally catch up with us, but also understand how your child is doing. From our point of view, SPTs are a fantastic way for us to give feedback to both parents and students; moreover, they enable us to outline each child’s goals for the rest of the academic year.

This academic year has gone so quickly; we are already going on Sportlov next week. The Spring Term is often harder for students than the Autumn Term because there are so many holidays that break the routines. This disruption can be especially difficult for Year 9s who need to stay focussed right to the end of the school year. Grades are set based on work done right up to the end of the term. This is not the time to think of the summer or holidays..

Please check our Instagram account if you get a chance. There are some fantastic examples of Year 9 students practising lifeskills. They jump into freezing water (under supervised conditions, of course!) as part of their training for how to get out of the water and onto the ice. It was amazing to see how brave and determined the students were to participate. Well done! I would also like to thank the dedicated members of staff that made this possible.

As part of PE and life skills, we are committed to ensuring our pupils have swimming skills. It is essential that every student who leaves elementary school is able to swim.

Please make sure that your child gets sufficient rest over the break: March will be very busy. Apart from the normal testing period, Year 6 and Year 9 students will also have national tests. If you are unsure about what’s happening, remember that every event is visible on SchoolSoft.

The school is hosting an Open House on March 30 at 17.00-19.00 for prospective students and families interested in joining IES Skärholmen next year. If you feel inclined, please recommend us to your friends and give them the details of Open House. We believe that IES Skärholmen is a vibrant learning community. We look forward to welcoming new students to our community next academic year.

If you’re looking for inspiration and something to do over Sportlov, I enclose information from Stockholms stad encouraging parents and students to make the most of Sportlov and exercise.

Have a fantastic break! We look forward to seeing all our students safely back on Monday March 7th.

Best wishes,
Dr Benedikz