
Internationella Engelska Skolan Sigtuna is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 03 October 2023

Year 5 History Trip: Exploring Vasatiden at Mariakyrka

Our Year 5 students explored Vasatiden, a significant era in Swedish history. They ventured to Mariakyrkan in Sigtuna, where they delved into the reformation.


As part of the Year 5 History journey, they explored Vasatiden, a significant period in Swedish History, focusing on Gustav Vasa and his successors. To learn more about this, the students visited Mariakyrkan in Sigtuna, a site brimming with historical significance. 

Guided by a priest and a church educator, they delved into the Reformation Era. Mariakyrkan, once a monastery, served as a home for monks and nuns. The students walked through the monastery garden where herbs were grown for medicinal purposes. They were even offered a taste of some herbal tea which was made from the garden’s produce. 

Gustav Vasa’s legacy included rebuilding the church in brick. Inside Mariakyrkan, students encountered relics of the past, and took great interest in two ancient chairs, a silver communion cup, and the Oxenstierna family grave. 

The visit enhanced the students historical knowledge, complementing classroom learning, and kindling a passion for history. We hope that the students can now remember the past as proof that history can teach and inspire them!