
Internationella Engelska Skolan Täby is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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We offer fritids for all students in grades 4-6 after the last lesson until 17:00. Only on regular school days.

Fritids and Junior Club

Our fritids is a bilingual, pedagogical centre which works closely with all of the other departments at the school.

Fritids is a safe and fun place for our students to spend time before and/or after school. Staff arrange activities and field trips and students can play, enjoy games, and have plenty of opportunities to make new friends in other classes.  The programme is fun, stimulating and created to encourage and promote children’s curiosity and willingness to learn.

Opening times: After last lesson until 17:00

Contact details:

When parents are to pick up their kids they call one of the following 2 numbers:
Phone 1: 0708 60 21 40
Phone 2: 070 820 56 36
Please note that they can only call those numbers when junior club "is open".

How to register for a place: If you are interested in joining the Junior school After School Club, please email Junior Club

Food and Homework support

We also provide an afternoon snack for students attending either fritids or junior club after school.

Students at junior club also have the opportunity to do their homework and, in doing so, receive help and support from staff.


Täby Junior Club